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Wheel Alignment & Tracking

What is wheel tracking and re-alignment?

Wheel tracking and re-alignment corrects the direction and angle of your car wheels if they have become misaligned. Problems with wheel alignment can be caused by having a car accident or by hitting road surfaces like a kerb or pothole, as well as by worn car parts like wheel bearings or shock absorbers.

Wheel misalignment can cause issues with steering, braking and the suspension, as well as cause premature wearing on car tyres. You might notice excessive or uneven tyre wear, steering wheel vibration, or your car pulling noticeably to one side if your wheels are misaligned.

Wheel Tracking is used to first analyse the misalignment by measuring the camber, toe and caster angles of your car wheels. This will identify any misalignment issues on all four car wheels, which we can then correct back to the manufacturer specification using laser-precision wheel alignment technology.

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