Even if you’re a student, it is possible to get car finance. You need a regular income, and if you have difficulty getting accepted, making a joint application with a family member can also be a smart move. This would have to be a person with a good credit score and a regular income who can vouch for you.
Having a car as a university student can be a game-changer, offering you the freedom and flexibility to combine part-time work with full-time studies, as well as visit family and friends.
Quality cars are expensive, making student car financing a crucial option. Unfortunately, there are many car finance companies and lenders that are reluctant to offer car finance to students.
At Stoneacre, we understand the importance of driving during your student years. Unlike conventional finance providers, we offer car finance options for students, ensuring a stress-free application.
This represents an average of the deals that our customers receive on other vehicles
We are a credit broker and a lender. We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders and their finance products. We will provide details of products available, but no advice or recommendation will be made. You must decide whether the finance product is right for you. We do not charge you a fee for our services. Lenders will pay commission to us (either a fixed fee or a fixed percentage of the amount you borrow) for introducing you to them, this may be calculated in reference to a variable factor such as (but not limited to) the vehicle age, your credit score and the amount you are borrowing. Different lenders may pay different commissions for such introductions.